The Trinity
We believe that God has revealed his triune nature throughout all of scripture and creation. God is one but reveals himself in three distinct persons, who all have their roles within the Godhead. We believe that the Father sits upon the Throne Supreme over all of Creation, Jesus is His one and only “begotten” son who was sent to redeem us from the wages of sin through His sacrificial death upon the cross, and that the Holy Spirit is the power of the Christian Life. These three are one (Colossians 2:9).
We believe that baptism is an ordinance given to the church to represent the believer’s new life in Christ. It’s a picture of dying to the old life of sin and being raised in newness of life by the Spirit. It does not however determine someone’s salvation, but rather begs the question of why one wish not to make this public sign of devotion to God.
Every single person is born into sin (Psalm 51:5) and without being redeemed by the blood of Christ for the propitiation of sin, God’s Word teaches us that person will not see life (John 3:36). Salvation occurs when a person encounters the gospel and responds in faith to the free gift of salvation that God has provided through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son (Ephesians 2:8-9). A person cannot work their way into heaven, they must simply throw themselves upon the mercy of God through the cross. Salvation is provided by God’s grace alone and received through faith alone,
Spiritual Gifting
When a person receives the Holy Spirit, they are equipped with everything they need to live a holy life. In addition to the new birth experience, there comes a number of Spiritual Gifts that are written out in 1 Corinthians and Romans. They are gifts, not talents, that allow the believer to minister to the body of Christ for edification and witnessing to the lost.
The Holy Bible
The Bible is our foundation and instruction manual for life and Holy living. We believe that the Bible is God breathed, inerrant, and infallible in its original transmission. The Bible is a supernatural book given to us by Almighty God. We believe every word in the Holy Scriptures in its entirety, that every scripture provides us with a better understanding of Him and our mission in Christ.
Marriage & Family
Marriage is the oldest and most sacred union there is under all of creation; a beautiful and intention union between a man and woman. God created the institution of marriage before “the fall of man,” the implementation of government, or any other institution. Therefore it has not been left to man to redefine such a sacred union. We affirm that marriage is between one man and one woman, as it is written in Genesis 1:27. Marriage God’s way is a serious, life-long covenant.
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